
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Cough Cough Hack hack

Late again, but I have a cold sorry.  Everything's going a little slow around here this week. 

So last week was a bear of a week.  The public school was off for fall break, but we decided to wait until the last week of the month for fall break, so L-bug was a little cranky that 'everyone else' was off.  It was an uphill struggle all week and I wish we'd just taken the week off sigh. 

Monday we had school outside, because the weather was so lovely.  The downside of this was a little girl from down the street came to join us and listened in on school... this made everything take twice as long as it should have because L-bug wasn't listening and P kept yelling out wrong answers... I don't think on purpose though, she's a good kid.  While the kids listened to me reading they painted rocks.
Tuesday we had to get to work around 1 so I said we couldn't go out to do school, but I felt bad because the weather was nice again.
 Ro-bear's hard work was to string beads onto pipe cleaners.   She enjoyed it, but would rather just play with the pipe cleaners.

 While listening to me reading L-bug drew a picture of a toucan in a tree with her new dry erase pencils, which suck btw.  They break when you look at them and the pencil sharpener they came with just tears the up... they were way more frustration than they are worth.
Wednesday Ro-bear's activity was to scoop Halloween erasers into a tin.  I gave her maybe 20 of the erasers,  but she climbed up and helped herself to the whole bucket full.  This wouldn't have been a bad thing, but Boo and Ro-bear spread them out ALL over the living room and it was a pain in the behind to pick them all back up.

 We did a cookie experiment to look at plate tectonics today... I didn't think to take pictures while we were studying the cookies, but here's Boo and Ro-bear enjoying the plates afterwards :).
 Ro-bear shared the 'hard work' with Boo,,, um yea... not.

 This picture explains why I don't always have good pictures of things like I'd like to.  Boo climbs up in my lap and grabs at the camera.
L-bug practicing the ukulele with daddy.  You can't see her face, but she did seem a little happier than she did with the guitar.

Thursday was a very bizarre day.  L-bug got up and started complaining about her leg hurting.  Which led to her screaming in pain and asking to go to the dr.  So I made an appointment and we get there and her leg starts feeling better.... go figure.  The Dr said she thinks it was a bruise and to have L-but stay off it for a few days and see. 
So we get home and go to Mccoys then come home and bake pumpkin chip muffins.
 Which Boo and Ro-bear kept stealing...
 We're innocent really.
What gave us away? the chocolate on our faces? oh....

Friday we packed and got ready for a trip up to see Uncle Kenny and then Grandma and Grandpa.  It was Court Days at Uncle Kenny's so we left early enough to get to his house and have time to walk around court days.
 Don't forget to pack us Mommy.

 Ro-bear and Boo borrowed a wagon to ride in and L-bug was just dying to pull... so Daddy let her.

Surprisingly she lasted longer than I thought she would.  Okay since this blog's already late and Ro-bear just brought me a pile of books and started reading them to me, I'll post about Saturday tomorrow.

Thanks for waiting around for me. Hope you all have a healthy and happy week.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

L-bug's writing assignment

Last week L-bug's spelling book asked her to write about her favorite stuffed animal.  She wrote

I own the most best tiger Lily She snugls, hugs, and I luv her so much.

Today she was playing a game about a dragon who was going around eating people and wrote me a note on a paper towel that said:

I hope youre ok. I love you. (heart) 'L-bug'

(picture of an eye, heart and sheep)

She's such a cute kid.  I love seeing her incorporate things she learns in school to her play or schoolwork... like lists, and letter formation.  And I love the 'I love ewe"  it took her a few years to get that one, but now that she does she likes it.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Having a blast

Let's see this week just flew by, it is amazing how fast time goes when you're busy.

Monday Boo and Ro-bear had magnetic dolls in the 'hard work' drawers.  The dollies played ALL over the school room.  They both seemed to have fun with that activity, but Ro-bear didn't even look in her other drawers for days.  She had lacing, pom pom sorting, and coloring pages she didn't get to until Thursday maybe, and she never did color.  I'm not sure if she didn't want to or didn't notice them.  Either way I'll just leave them in for next week and see what happens. 

 L-bug was drawing a tree while listening to a story. 
L-bug looks so very thrilled to be playing guitar with daddy.  She finally gave up and went outside to play with P. She says she wants to learn an instrument, but she just doesn't have the patience yet to sit and do it. 
Tuesday was a very crazy day.  Daddy's mom called to say his Papaw went to the ER, could have been a stroke or pneumonia.  The store didn't open because of that (obviously) so I didn't feel guilty about bring Boo to the Dr's to get her tongue checked out.  It looked to me like it was healing with a chunk missing out of it, and I knew I'd just feel better if the Dr looked and told me it was fine.  PS- His Papaw is fine he was admitted to the hospital for a day and they thought it was pneumonia then it sounded like it might have mostly been dehydration and a little infection (I could be wrong my brain's fuzzy, but all in all he is okay and home and I assume happy :) ).
 The babies always fight over this chair in the waiting room, but Boo was very proud to ninja it away from her sissies.
 We actually got a room with a toy in it... yes, A toy they had to fight over who's turn it was.
 Boo: Tee hee, I've fooled them, the Dr will come in and check out the tiger and I'm home free.
The Dr. did check out her tongue and he said he sees new growth and it will heal up just fine. (yay.)
 Back home to finish up school work.  Boo decided she's a big girl too and sat with L-bug to do her handwriting. 

 She had to check with L-bug every now and then to see if she was doing it right :).

 L-bug went outside to practice her spelling words on the alley, Ro-bear thought we should be playing hopstotch, so we drew her a hopscotch board first.

L-bug just noticed the burn on her finger from last week.  It hadn't been bothering her until she noticed it of course, isn't that the way it works?
Wednesday was a pretty ordinary day.  We mostly just did our work, ran to the library, made dinner and rested.
The little ducks enjoyed bagels on the couch together.

 I bought L-bug a new daily work from Teachers Pay Teachers.  It is an October pack of daily morning work, I love it.  Each days goes over a little reading/English and math, just a little bit to get the day started.  We were getting bored with our old daily sheets the same thing week in and out.

 L-bug decided to 'do her makeup' to look like an Egyptian Pharaoh.  Believe it or not that washed off really easily (shew).
 Ro-bear made a playdoh critter for Daddy, but ended up putting it away so that it didn't get hard and Daddy never got to see it (except in the picture)

Both L-bug and Ro-bear went out to play with P, they built a stone campfire and played in the toy kitchen outside.  They had a blast. I was proud of P and L-bug for letting Ro-bear tag along.
Thursday was insanely busy.  We did our work, then ran errands. Errands wear a Mommy out.
Ro-bear finally discovered her shoe tie and played with it for a while.

 Boo figures she's such a big girl she needs to be in on this letter writing thing.  L-bug wrote a letter to her grandpa for English this week and addressed the envelope and everything... then Boo came along and colored ALL over it.  So needless to say we won't be putting a stamp on it and mailing it, but we'll deliver it next time we visit.
One of our errands was to Target to get some little doo dads for the tots.  I got poofy stickers, notebooks, pipecleaners, erasers and some little tins to keep the Halloween themed stuff in.

We also ran to the salvage place and got some lovely kiwis, oranges and tomatoes.  I was one happy mommy.  Ro-bear, L-bug and I stayed up to watch Dead time stories on Nick.  Ro-bear didn't make it through the first episode and passed out on the couch and L-bug got scared from the first episode and ended up sleeping with us half the night.  It was fun though.
Friday was a blast, but such a very long day. 
 Boo enjoyed some yogurt fro Mccoys.
 L-bug is doing the weather.  She was very happy that sunny days are winning this month again.
 Instead of doing a project out of draw-write-now, we decided to do Frankenchildren's monster collages. Even Ro-bear wanted to do one.

 Ro-bear never did make a whole face, but she loved cutting out eyes and gluing them to different papers.
 Next we learned about folded mountains.  L-bug and Ro-bear laid out a bunch of blankets. Then L-bug and I were the Earth's plates and we moved together and watched a mountain form....
Then we watched Godzilla attack.

 and everyone had to roll around on the mountain.
 This is why mommy doesn't like art project days... This room had been cleaned before school...
 But then I look back up at that smile of Ro-bear's face as she jumps on the mountain and I guess a little extra cleaning is worth it.
 Ro-bear and Boo insisted on helping me cook while eating oranges and apples.

 Boo just loves the guitar, or the Dada as she calls it.  She just loves to watch Daddy play or pet the instrument.
L-bugstien's monter.
 Daddy being silly, playing and dancing.

 Then of course we have to have sword fighting.  L-bug and Daddy usually sword fight once or twice a week. To the point our nerf swords need replaced.

 We made some cinci chili dip.  Ro-bear wasn't sure at first, but once she got her own bowl of it she dug right in.  L-bug wouldn't try it at all silly girl. We mildly watched the movie Robots, but Ro-bear declared she didn't like it... go figure the kid who LOVES robots disliked the movie about Robots....

Friday night Ro-bear and I were playing Littlest Pet shops and I saw a tea pot, so my cat picked it up and said "would you like some tea?" Ro-bear says "yes pease"  So I pretended to pour some tea... "Do you like it?" "No, You pour it on my head."  Silly me thought that we could pretend there was a cup... but no she insisted I go to the playroom and find a LPS tea cup before we could keep playing.... gotta love her.  Oh yeah and Friday they talked into little raccoon stuffies at Walmart, one is dressed like a cat, one a pirate and one a pumpkin.  Well, I'd told the girls if they behaved all day I'd buy them each a ring-pop at the store... Well, I didn't get the ring pops because they got the raccoons. So I ask Ro-bear what her raccoon's name is and she says "ring pop?" I guess that made sense I told her I'd buy her a ring pop.... its name got changed on Saturday, but I forget to what.  And Ro-bear and L-bug named Boo's pirate Captain Hook. Listening to Ro-bear say Captn Hooook is sooooo cute.
So Saturday morning L-bug asked if they could eat some of the Scooby Snacks she bought at Mccoys.  She opened herself and Ro-bear a pack.  Ro-bear looked at them and started crying.  Literally bawling at the kitchen table.  So I go to see what's wrong.... "Ro-ro's not a dog!  Ro-ro's a girl not an arf arf. (cry cry).  So we tried to show her they are snacks.  And I ate one and L-bug ate some, nothing.  Finally we gave up and went to the living room... then we hear new crying... Ro-bear had decided to eat them when Boo came in and ate most of the package.  I opened her another and she went to the bedroom, shut the door and ate her snacks all by herself.  Silly goose.
In the craft department I've been working on bows.  They are so much fun.

This one L-bug and I each have one. I love it.
And in the plant and caterpillar department everything's going well. Ro-bear picked a flower at PE and they tried to play it. Surprisingly it isn't dead yet, but I don't expect it to sprout roots randomly.
Daddy's oldest brother came to town this weekend, so we'll be spending today with his family. It should be fun (if I can get rid of this headache) a nice end to a nice busy week. 
Hope you all have had a blessed week and continue to visit us here at the Blue Rabbit Academy.