I hope spring has sprung for you as it has for us. We've been soaking in the sun and we've started sprouting some spring plants. The winter funk has left and everyone is feeling much better all around. We've been trying to spend 2+ hours outside a day. I've found we're all sleeping so much better since we started. Even if we're just sitting around doing school work, just simply being outside and absorbing the sun is doing wonders for us.
If you squint you can see a few pea sprouts poking their heads out of the garden.
We're also letting the chickens run around the yard while we do school work in the morning. They love free ranging. Every time we go outside the girls get exciting assuming they are going to get to play with us.
L-bug has been working hard on her YouTube channel. Sadly, I don't have quite as much free time as she has, so I have a queue of five videos we've filmed that I still need to edit. Shame on me. If you haven't checked her out yet she's The IcyBreeze Show. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaAZTuEiHrWst4s7I9QqVWw
So far she has a toy reveal, a toy review and a short skit. We have a baking review in the works, and a few more little projects in the works. Working on a channel has been an experience so far and its nice to have something for her to work on that's all hers. It was her idea to open the channel and she's in charge of what and when we film (within reason) I just edit and upload.
On the Bookshelf
We decided to continue on with The Fellowship of the Rings, it is hard to fit in long chunks of free reading so we're taking it nice and slow. We'll be in this book for a considerable time, but that's okay because she's loving every minute of it. How much time do you spend free reading a day?
So many of my friends and family are having or are expecting babies that I've been working almost exclusively on baby items. I've even started making some for the Etsy store. There's the cutest baby bunny hats I wish I'd made for my girls when they were little and a little fox hat and diaper cover set for sale on Blue Rabbit Cottage. I can make the bunny hats bigger, but only Boo is interested. I'm going to get her a pink one made before she outgrows cutsie little things like that.
Aside from vlogging L-bug has been busy working on her computer programing and doing art like always. She might have hit a slump in programing because she has to work with fractions more than she has in math. She's interested enough in it though, I think she'll work though it pretty easily. We shall see. I have to says thank you to Kahn Academy for offering such a great math and programing program for free. I never would have thought these subjects could be so easy to learn before we found that site.
L-bug got a blank book today and has already started filling it up with pictures from her favorite anime, Fairy Tail.
All in all things are going smoothly and we're all happy and healthy at the Blue Rabbit Academy. I hope you can say the same for you and yours. Thanks for stopping by to visit and come back soon to see what we've been getting into. Feel free to share what's been happening in your neck of the woods in the comments below.
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