
Friday, February 19, 2016

February Funk

Welcome Back

We have been rather busy around the academy.  Sadly, it feels like we're slacking in the school department and we're just busy with everything else in life.  I think we're really doing fine, we're just feeling the February funk.  We're a little tired of the snow, wind, and mud.

Sleep Over

L-bug had some friends spend the night last weekend.  We made some cupcakes, got pizza and rented a couple of movies.  Half of us hadn't seen Hotel Transylvania II, so the sissies and I were invited to watch with the big girls.  It was a fairly cute movie.  The other movie rented was Goosebumps so sissies and I left to go watch Barbie and the Rockin' Royals upstairs.  One of our guests couldn't make it because there was a bad snow storm and they weren't sure if they'd be able to leave their house the next day to pick her back up.  Sadly, the snow all melted the next day, but better safe than sorry.  We'll have to throw another sleep over again soon, so that everyone can come.


Right after the sleepover I fell to the plague.  Not really, but it was a nasty head cold.  Boo had had a case of the sniffles the week before, but it was nothing like this.  I had a fever and a cold that went straight to a cough.  Thankfully the fever and cold lasted two or three days, but the cough still lingers.  L-bug fell pray to the cough today and spent her day on the couch doing as little as possible.


After the storm that looked to be pretty bad, but melted quickly- we had another good downpour of snow.

 4.5", and that's a lot for us.  Sadly, we were sick and that storm ended with a rain storm so the snow was totally gone the next day.  Thankfully it didn't then ice over, that was my biggest fear. 

Lego Club

We did manage to make it to Lego Club this month, it was a little bit iffy all day.  We were running late, but we made it anyway.  Ro-bear and L-bug worked on the theme of the month: mazes.  Boo played with some Duplo and we built an 'airplane' together. 


Most of my crafting time has been devoted to Christmas presents for the girls.  I decided this year I am going to make some clothes for the girls' 18" dolls, so I needed to start early and work a little bit all year.  So far I  have most of a coat, hat, boots and scarf set done each, and two of three tutus done.  I think after these sets I'll take a break to work on some other projects.  If you like the doll tutus, we'll be carrying some over at the Blue Rabbit Cottage in the months to come. 


L-bug finally has her YouTube channel.  Her user name is Icy Breeze and her show is called The Icy Breeze show.  So far we just have the one episode up, which is a toy reveal.  We have a few other videos lined up in our editing software and a few more ideas in our heads for filming.  This has been a fun experience so far. 

On Bookshelf

Due to being sick and crazy, we just finally finished The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. We loved this book, but we're debating about what book to read next.  Books in our line up are, By the Shores of Silver Lake, we had started this book and couldn't get into it like the rest of the series, so we shelved it for later.  The Fellowship of the Ring which we also started, but due to sore throat had shelved for a shorter book.  or continue in the Narnia series.  Any suggestions?  Please comment below with which book you would chose and why. 

I hope you have had a pleasant visit with us today.  I hope you have avoided all the illnesses and the February funk and can sit down with a piping hot cup of tea, put your feet up and just enjoy your evening.  That sounds lovely to me at least.  I hope to see you back here again soon, I have a special post in the works, so check back next week, I'm thinking Wednesday to see what I've got up my sleeve. Until then- peace.

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