
Friday, June 17, 2016

Summer Fun

Our Spring garden is finally turning brown and dying, except the strawberries who are having one last hurrah and producing lots of little berries.  The tomatoes are strong and the corn is growing like a weed, just like the kids.  Boo turned four officially now. She was a little confused after having her party so early.
One of her birthday presents was a little wooden knife to cut soft things like clay and dough, but Ro-bear stole it and decided to test its limits.  She tried to chop all the veggies for a taco dinner with it.  It did surprisingly well on some things and of course didn't handle others like onion and tomato. 

I cut the top and bottom off the green pepper and she cleaned it and chopped it all up.  I love Boo's face sitting there like, um isn't that MY present?

Speaking of food... My mom and I are working on a new blog called The Blue Rabbit Kitchen.  We will be posting some food recipes and ideas on there! It will be up and running soon so check it out. 

This food is a little random, but how pretty is this watermelon? 
Sadly it was soft and mushy so we didn't eat it, but I had to take a picture because its so pretty.

Do you spend a lot of time crafting in the summer?  We do.  I've been working on an embroidery and the girls have been drawing a lot lately.  Then L-bug and I decided to work on some anime inspired earrings.  These are the general idea, but the Fairy Tail ones broke before we got to make them earrings.
 We have Fairy Tail Guild symbols, Death symbol from Soul Eater, Soul's Soul from Soul Easter and random birds I just made up.
 Ro-bear drew a Flareon from memory.  I was totally impressed. I don't think I could draw Pokémon even with a model.

We've been doing the library programs for the summer.  We've been reading up a storm, we've already hit 50 books in just a few weeks.  This week's program was Snakes Alive.  L-bug got chosen to feed a giant lizard.  She's still excited about it days later.

Finally here's another random picture.  I woke up at Grandma Bev's and noticed that Ro-bear and Boo were symmetrical.  They were totally sleeping the in same but opposite pose.

I hope you're having a lovely June.  We're staying busy and having fun.  I hope you see you back next week. 


Sunday, June 5, 2016

Boo's Early Birthday Party

 Our out of town family was in for the weekend, so we decided to have Boo's fourth birthday a tad bit early this year so we could all eat cake together.  Her real birthday is next week, but that's okay.  She had a blast playing with her new toys with her cousins and wearing her two birthday dresses.  She kept switching in between the two.

 Summer has officially started and so have our splash pad dates with friends.  I forgot to take too many pictures because we were all busy catching up.  The sun and the friends wore us out, but it was so lovely.  I'm looking forward to next Thursday. 
 L-bug and I have been watching Soul Eater and finally came to the end of the show.  We were both a little sad, so we decided to do some cosplay.  I made L-bug a pendant and a pair of ear buds like the character Justin Law.  Not our favorite character, but his costume is pretty awesome. 

The garden this week... the Spring garden is finally winding down.  We picked some peas today to keep for seed next year.  The girls have really enjoyed the spring garden and are looking forward to the summer garden.  The tomatoes are so tall and the corn is getting up there too.  The zucchini and watermelon, sadly, have been dug up by an animal or eaten.  I'm pretty sad that they were doing so well and now they are gone, but I know things happen that we can't control.

Our library summer program is also underway.  We went to see a magician and have been tracking all our books at home.  We're almost up to 30 already.  The kids love to grab a pile of books and read until my voice gives up.  L-bug has been reading several books to her sisters too, so that's a nice break for me.

We are working through Pollyanna some when we have quiet time, and I'm almost done with Pocketful of Pinecones.  It is such a delightful book if you haven't read it, I'd highly recommend finding a copy!

I hope your summer is as lovely as ours.  We are having a wonderful time exploring nature and working on crafts and the garden.  Time is upon me to start planning for next school year.  I'm just hoping I can keep some of the magic of summer all year.