
Friday, March 6, 2015

snowity snow snow

Surprisingly, I'm not tired of the snow yet. However, its already melting away so its time to get ready for spring.  The girls are all tired of being cooped up inside. Ro-bear doesn't handle the cold as well as the rest of us, so we didn't play in outside as much as Boo and L-bug would have liked.
Today to beat boredom the girls used the old playpen as pirate ships and made eye patches, telescopes and tiny popciclestick s. rds. 

We also made it back to the library (old picture) to play in the new kids section. L-bug has been watchin Fetch the PBS show and today had slam poetry on. So L decided we should each write a poem called I Believe.

Here is L's
I believe I can be a queen,
I believe seeing is not believing.
I believe music is magic,
I believe what is most magical
is life.

Here's mine

I believe a moment
can last longer than the years.
One memory keeps us going-
I blink and you are grown,
in a moment.

I believe life's a dream
lived in spurts and fits
between the moments.

In this moment I love you,
and that's all I need
to believe.

So that's what we came up with, be nice we're not professionals.  School work is drudging alone, she's ready for a break but spring break is over a month away due to surgery. I can't believe we are so close to being done with the third grade. Time flies.

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