
Friday, February 27, 2015

sorry for the hiatus

Third grade has been a lot busier than I ever expected. Between PE class, gymnastics, ballet and starting a new crafting endeavor with my parents: I have totally let my blog slide. Sorry.
 With all the snow we made a snow cat. We ttried a snowman, but settled for a cat.

Ro-bud wanted to start preschool since she turned fourn i started her and Boo on the Easy Peasy homeschool. So far they love it and L-bug helps out.

L-bug hates EngliEnglish because it is repetitive and full of rules but poem study makes her happy. She's currently memorizing A Dash of Blue by Emily Dickinson. 
making herself a leather journal.

We're in week 26 now. Here's to a fun and evrntful ending of this year!  If you are interested in our crafting blog check out or blue rabbi r cottage on facebook or etsy.  Thanks for stopping by.