A Wedding
On the 11th, we were lucky enough to go to the wedding of one of my best friends. She's been out of country for years, so getting to see her was exciting to say the least, but a wedding just makes it that much better. We also got to meet her now husband, whom we'd only met online. I must say it is a shame they do not live closer because they are both such wonderful people.
A Trip to Cincinnati
Our trip to Cinci just happened to correspond with Books by the Bank, which was a book festival to say the least. The girls got to get face paint and do different crafts and activities. Adults could shop for books from lots of authors, get signatures, and attend panel discussions.
We also did our yearly trip to the pumpkin patch. Boo and L-bug used some of their tickets to hold baby animals, but Ro-bear wasn't having any of that. She chose to play on the playground and buy a sucker with her last ticket. Boo held a bunny and L-bug a chick. Boo didn't want to hold onto her bunny, so I didn't get a lot of pictures because I had to keep catching the rascally rabbit.
This year the girls are dressing up as Anna, Elsa, and Artemis from Young Justice.
A Sick Week
One our way home I noticed I was getting sick. I was down with a cold all week, relying on Librivox for our school readings Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday Ro-bear and L-bug both got struck down and spent the whole day asleep on the couch. Thursday was a little better, but they were still pretty tired and blah. Finally Friday they seemed better, but we still didn't do a traditional day of school. Ro and Boo started out the day playing bingo, memory, and the snap circuits. Miss L got up and joined in the memory and pick up sticks. She then made a case for why pick up sticks can count as physics and math for the day. Then said we could play concept with historical figures for history, and Halloween figures for fun. The best story of concept was me trying to have L guess Harry Houdini. She got it was a magician, then goes hmmm, its that magician you like... Zucchini!
We also played wits and wagers for reading and social science. We finished the day off playing Splendor for fun. We also tidied up the house, because we don't want to clean too much this weekend.
I hope you have had a germ free time and hope you enjoy reading about our adventures in the Blue Rabbit Academy. Join us again in two weeks for the next installment of homeschooling.